

Good for the
Body and Soul



We are dedicated to bringing skill, class and fun back into dance.

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Wholesome Dance Events

Dances used to be a way for communities to come together – people of all ages – to enjoy an evening out, meet new people and just have fun.

Wholesome Dance offers events like this in addition to regular dance lessons. We teach partner and individual dancing, so you’re ready for that next event or just ready for the next Wholesome Dance event.


Hear Our Story

Hi, I’m Cole. I began practicing ballroom dance seriously about 4 years ago. Dance has always been one of my life’s greatest passions.

Since then, I’ve worked with a large variety of top-tier professional dancers. My goal has been to combine what I like best from each of them into a simple form that flows smoothly and looks impressive on the dance floor.

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Many people in America today want to dance, but they don’t know how. Wholesome Dance was created for people of all ages who want to experience the joy of dancing to music while feeling confident doing so regardless of what the event, occasion or venue may be.


The bravest and least inhibited get out on the dance floor, but we all stop to admire the dancers who know what they are doing - who have the moves and keep up with the music.

We at Wholesome Dance love to dance and wanted to share the joy it brings us. To do that, we’ve created an approach to dance instruction that makes it accessible to more people. We’ve created a form of partner dancing that anyone can learn.  And I mean anyone.  You don’t need to know several dances like salsa, foxtrot or swing. If you learn our style you’ll be able to dance to any type of music and look great doing it. We’ll show you how.

All it takes is a willingness to try in a supportive environment. Wholesome Dance is a judgment-free zone. Come with a desire to learn and help others to learn.  Come to have fun and learn some real dance moves. To make it comfortable for everyone, we dance to G or PG-rated music. In our opinion, the best dancing songs fall into those categories! Also, the moves we teach are skillful, not suggestive. 

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Care to Dance?

Are you an event coordinator for your community? Contact us to discuss how we can bring an event to your people!